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Juli Wenger
Jan 29, 20243 min read
Why am I still waiting? (A matter of perspective)
The wilderness is not a place where a where there would be a way through.
The wasteland is not a place where fresh water would exist.
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Juli Wenger
Oct 17, 20235 min read
Why am I still waiting? (Leaving things behind)
When God moves us into a new season, there are things from our past seasons that we can’t take with us. Like pride. And anger. And...
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Juli Wenger
Sep 10, 20232 min read
Why am I still waiting? (Trusting God's timing)
This is for the people who are starting to feel like the waiting is perpetual, who are starting to loosen their grip on hope, and doubt God.
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Juli Wenger
Jul 11, 20233 min read
Your Perspective is Either Helping or Hurting You
How God uses our experiences and interactions in unexpected ways always astounds me.
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Juli Wenger
Feb 5, 20233 min read
Are you fighting from victory or survival? Put on the armor of God.
Fighting from a place of survival is fighting from a place of forgetting whose we are, forgetting what Jesus has already done.
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